noiembrie 07, 2005
noiembrie 05, 2005
{ Old, new Cluj }
I have lived more than 20 years in this city. I hate it, get bored, loved it tried to run out, but I am still here in the same place moving from a house to another from time to time, but in the same city, Cluj-Napoca. I don't even know if escaping is possible.
Is weird, why people lives for a life time in the same place. Using almost the same streets to go to school, to buy food to work, later... or to just walk in Sunday times.
So this is my old Cluj which I used for so many years. Maybe changed trough times but still the same. Not necessarily the buildings but the mood. The pics were shoot from the new Cluj and digitally manipulated to look older. And they do look old. Cluj is old. This is not a project that will be continued (luckily) just some reflection that I have done in spare time.

All the pics were shoot in my apartment neighborhood, one from my apartment window
Is weird, why people lives for a life time in the same place. Using almost the same streets to go to school, to buy food to work, later... or to just walk in Sunday times.
So this is my old Cluj which I used for so many years. Maybe changed trough times but still the same. Not necessarily the buildings but the mood. The pics were shoot from the new Cluj and digitally manipulated to look older. And they do look old. Cluj is old. This is not a project that will be continued (luckily) just some reflection that I have done in spare time.

All the pics were shoot in my apartment neighborhood, one from my apartment window
noiembrie 04, 2005
Fall Colection [ La foret ]
Fall in the wood. Images are mad in hurry on our way to climbing till the others were screaming at me to hurry. Of course I am kidding.
I tried to writeb this in french but i din't figure out how to do to use french characters wich are not recognized by this blog.
weird characters appeared.
If you have any idea please help.

I tried to writeb this in french but i din't figure out how to do to use french characters wich are not recognized by this blog.
weird characters appeared.
If you have any idea please help.

noiembrie 03, 2005
{ climbing in Tureni Gorges }
I have the hance that this was my last climbing session of the year, who knows, but i can smell winter already.
Also capturing Fall is on the way to the end. I love winter also, so no problema.

All images are under Radu Ghitulescu copyright. They can be use for any noncommercial purposes. For commercial use please email or post comment.
Also capturing Fall is on the way to the end. I love winter also, so no problema.

All images are under Radu Ghitulescu copyright. They can be use for any noncommercial purposes. For commercial use please email or post comment.
Cocotz [ rom ]
Ne-am adunat anul asta sa ne invartim de cateva ture de catarare pe langa Cluj.
Incet incet treaba s-a miscat noroc cu Ciama omul cu coarda, vreau sa zic chiar coarda roz de "cocotz".
Si uite asa cand isi ia unul papuci de catarere are toata familia.
Attention a se folosi cu unghiile taiate - stie cine. Altul isi i-a ham si din nou familia are ham.
ce sa mai spun de bucle si

Ciama omul cu coarda [roz]... si papucii si papucii

Guzi "the man of the day", asta inseamna: dupa ce ne-am [ sa zic?]
degetele incercand sa trecem un pasaj de 7 si dupa ce
ne-am pierdut speranta ca vom reusi, Guzi pe final reuseste.
Fie vorba intre noi Guzi are si fatza de tip care trece gradu' 7.
A, am uitat sa spun ca apasarile noastre de cataratori ne aduc pana la gradul 5-6

Oana, uitai sa va spui ca tipele nu au papuci de "cocotz" (ce ma enerveaza cuvantul), prin urmare se catara cu ai nostri numar 42. Partea masculina traieste cu intrebarea "Pe cand fericitul eveniment". Poate in primavara

Tot Oana

"E il resto"

Eu, adica eu vazand unghiile celui ce mi-a purtat papucii de catarare stieeeeeeeeeee el cine e. Ma razbun cu sete online :) ... da daca ii prind un prin plan nu-l iert
Incet incet treaba s-a miscat noroc cu Ciama omul cu coarda, vreau sa zic chiar coarda roz de "cocotz".
Si uite asa cand isi ia unul papuci de catarere are toata familia.
Attention a se folosi cu unghiile taiate - stie cine. Altul isi i-a ham si din nou familia are ham.
ce sa mai spun de bucle si

Ciama omul cu coarda [roz]... si papucii si papucii

Guzi "the man of the day", asta inseamna: dupa ce ne-am [ sa zic?]
degetele incercand sa trecem un pasaj de 7 si dupa ce
ne-am pierdut speranta ca vom reusi, Guzi pe final reuseste.
Fie vorba intre noi Guzi are si fatza de tip care trece gradu' 7.
A, am uitat sa spun ca apasarile noastre de cataratori ne aduc pana la gradul 5-6

Oana, uitai sa va spui ca tipele nu au papuci de "cocotz" (ce ma enerveaza cuvantul), prin urmare se catara cu ai nostri numar 42. Partea masculina traieste cu intrebarea "Pe cand fericitul eveniment". Poate in primavara

Tot Oana

"E il resto"

Eu, adica eu vazand unghiile celui ce mi-a purtat papucii de catarare stieeeeeeeeeee el cine e. Ma razbun cu sete online :) ... da daca ii prind un prin plan nu-l iert
noiembrie 02, 2005
noiembrie 01, 2005
Fall Collection 1
Caving club make each year a trip for the beginners. In fall, usually at the beginning of October, this year late October almost November.
First the Tuesday meeting, diapos projections photos movies etc. Anything to present our club in a fashionable way to attract beginners.
But each year the beginner a less numerous and the projections are the same, so from 80 beginners few years ago we had around 20 this year and less that 10 in our trip.
Which by the way is so boring (the trip). Ask all the dinosaurs from our club.
Caving on "Batranului" is not a very big challenge also nothing special to see there.
Just for the beginners. Uh!
The each year walking to "Batranului Cave".
I have promised few years ago not to go anymore but I did it again.
But this time I guess because it was late October we had a insanely gorgeous raining weather.
I am not kidding. I hate the rain when I am going to caves, but this one was great. I took my camera with me and you can see what I have got from this.
Lucky trip this year. Not to mention that I don't usually took the camera to caves.
Oh, and I forgot I didn't enter in the cave. Just to members of our club and the beginners.

Suncuius village

"Zece Hotare" plateau before storm

"Zece Hotare" plateau before storm
First the Tuesday meeting, diapos projections photos movies etc. Anything to present our club in a fashionable way to attract beginners.
But each year the beginner a less numerous and the projections are the same, so from 80 beginners few years ago we had around 20 this year and less that 10 in our trip.
Which by the way is so boring (the trip). Ask all the dinosaurs from our club.
Caving on "Batranului" is not a very big challenge also nothing special to see there.
Just for the beginners. Uh!
The each year walking to "Batranului Cave".
I have promised few years ago not to go anymore but I did it again.
But this time I guess because it was late October we had a insanely gorgeous raining weather.
I am not kidding. I hate the rain when I am going to caves, but this one was great. I took my camera with me and you can see what I have got from this.
Lucky trip this year. Not to mention that I don't usually took the camera to caves.
Oh, and I forgot I didn't enter in the cave. Just to members of our club and the beginners.

Suncuius village

"Zece Hotare" plateau before storm
"Zece Hotare" plateau before storm

"Zece Hotare" plateau before storm