iulie 26, 2006

Both sad

So I did it.
I have a driver lincense and a wounded car.
Tasha is mad on me, uf...
Things are not ok right now :(

Wounded car...

...and Tasha

iulie 15, 2006

Lazy, lazy, lazy

I didn't post any images of Tasha for a while, but that doesn't mean she wasn't around, just my camera wasn't here.
Now she is big, a grown up woman. Big and so so lazy... Just look at her, like a rich lazy woman in her "budoar" .

iulie 10, 2006


Si uite asa, IC PONOR, masina roz ploaie frate, ploaie.
Mi-au trecut prin minte toate versurile si poeziile legate de ploaie ce le stiam.
"de atatea nopti aud..." he he

iulie 02, 2006

Pink love

So let's see.
I started my new wonderfull life with an amazing lady named Tasha (check post from march bottom of the page).
As everybody knows, women, specially women like her needs stuff, not just food and sex (ok let's not go there) , but stuff.
So thinking about that I have decided to buy - hello what is the most important thing for a woman- a car, THE CAR and here it is, a new (obviously joking) pink car for my once in a life time woman, Tasha.

More stories about my woman and her car will definitely come since we are in the midlle of a summer so stay tuned :)